Inspired by the show at the Japanese American museum in Little Tokyo and the children's phonetic television show the "Electric Company", my project consists of Japanese kokeshi dolls that teach the viewer Japanese vocabulary in the setting of Little Tokyo. Here are some examples of elements in my project.
In order to produce a piece of work that both addresses my major of motion graphics along with Incorporating Little Tokyo, I have elected to make a mock children's program to teach Japanese vocabulary in the setting of little Tokyo. My inspiration for the program comes from a literacy children's show called The Electric Company. In the show, they have fun graphics set to hip hop beats, and they sound out words that are displayed on the screen so a child can read along. I find this program enjoyable, and the combination of graphics and the ideas to promote literacy in a fun interactive manner to be a harmonious one. So I intend to have situations that may come up while traversing little Tokyo lead into learning a little about the culture and the language. The characters teaching the viewer the words are dolls inspired by the Japanese wooden figures called kokeshi. They will interact with each other about for example food, like mochi! Energetic , Fun, Informative is what the end result should be.
Coming up next….Storyboards, stay tuned!
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